The Alchemist

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Mystic Rose Creations

Mystic Rose CEO & Alchemist Michael Folger

“Big Mike” says Cannabis is a Medicine


Michael arrived at Syracuse University in 1983, as a depressed recluse, still trying to deal with his mother’s death from pancreatic cancer in 1978. Michael used Cannabis for first time in 1983 which cured his depression and allowed him to socialize for the first time in 5 years. Michael went on to become the President of Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity at Syracuse.

Michael’s positive experience with Cannabis fueled his personal belief that Cannabis is a medicine

Poisoned in World Trade Center Bombing

On February 26, 1993 at 12:12 pm, Michael’s life changed significantly. Michael was one of the victims in the World Trade Center PATH station who was poisoned by the 1st terrorism attack ever in US. This was a Ryder truck bomb which disintegrated Asbestos ceiling tiles, & Freon filled air conditioners while spreading cyanide added by bomb maker. Michael experienced an attack on his central nervous system from the asbestos, cyanide & Freon poisoning. Michael spent an incapacitated week where he ingested as many cannabinoids as possible and was able to recover his mobility. 25 years of neuropathy followed but became more and more manageable as the potency of Cannabis increased with Canadian grow houses in late 90’s, California in the 2000’s followed by Colorado. This physical improvement tied to potency pushed Michael towards his concentration extraction work.


Quest to Help Others

Mystic Rose Creations is born out of the need to help & heal others. CEO, Michael Folger, has encountered much pain & suffering in his collective time on this planet. Michael has created specific extraction techniques & products in hands-on fashion over last 60 months.                   Michael has bloomed into a flowering rose with Mystic capabilities.

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